Welcome to The Talk Shop. Ko te kai a te rangatira, he kōrero!

You're an ambitious leader who wants to be more on top of your game but you're feeling the pressure, right? The good news is you're in the right place. We provide professional support to nourish and grow New Zealand's leadership talent.

Much is expected of today’s leaders and as you know, the daily reality is often challenging, lonely work within complex team, stakeholder and cultural dynamics.   From time to time it can leave us worn with need to refresh our vision, skills, mindset and personal resources to level up.

As a true professional you value being a high performer.  Your performance AND your well-being matters so you know it's probably time to get a little support to help you lift.   But it’s got to be the right professional support.   You’re cautious about who you trust with your time and vulnerability - plus you want performance results not counselling, right?   People are depending on your leadership and you want to get yourself to the next level.

The Talk Shop offers tailored 1:1 professional support for leaders at the front line like you.  If you are up for it, I can help you mature as a leader through your current challenges and quickly feel more on top of your game - growth and success one breakthrough conversation at a time.   

You can expect an uplifting blend of high stretch and support. The approach is strengths based, mana enhancing, holistic and results focused.  I work warmly and skillfully to:

  • Hear and understand where you are at, where you’re going and WHY

  • Help unpack and explore the situations challenging you right now

  • Embed new strategies for managing yourself, your people, your mahi

  • Support you to make pathway decisions and personal shifts

  • Challenge you as well as remind you of your greatness

  • Stay right in close holding focus for results and impact.

Karen Clarke, The Talk Shop, Coach, Leadership support,

Who do we work with?   

Summer 2025: The Talk Shop is currently supporting leaders within Tui Ora LtdNZ Police, Whakauae Research, The Ministry of EducationTe Runanga o Toa RangatiraESRMinistry of JusticeDepartment of Internal Affairs, Te Ara Poutama Aotearoa – Department of CorrectionsNZ Police,  Education Payroll, Te Puna Aonui and an assortment of small-medium business enterprises.

Recent clients include: Govett Quilliam, The Waitangi Tribunal, Super Generous, Oranga Tamariki, Te Pou, Te Runanga Hauora o Rangitane, ASB Bank, Te Papa, NZ on Air-Irirangi te Motu, Kainga Ora, Taranaki District Health Board, The Crown Law Office, BRANZ, Venture Taranaki, Māori Television, Tussock Line, The Child Cancer Foundation, Wairarapa DHB, Kainga Ora, Te Arawhiti, Te Runanga Hauora o Rangitane, Science for Technological Innovation National Science Challenge.