
We build leader performance through coaching or supervision

Senior leaders,  mid-career leader/managers and key staff engage in 1:1 professional support to achieve development objectives like these:  
  • Improve my leadership confidence and performance
  • Grow my skills and strategies to lead through complex situations and overwhelming volume
  • Manage change, resilience, survival in challenging environments more effectively
  • Grow cultural capability and engagement
  • Build performance in your team
  • Manage poor performers up or out
  • Address racism in the workplace
  • Progress career development
  • Develop leadership presence, influence or gravitas

We can work with the teams of the leaders that we engage with.

Sometime leaders request our help to work with their teams, whānau or communities to:
  • Develop teams
  • Koorero through complex issues
  • Facilitation of strategic planning
  • Facilitation of key events
  • Interventions between team members
  • Support for staff during exit, restructuring or acting arrangements.

How does it work?

Regular sessions are essential to deliver the growth you are looking for.  If the sessions are too few, or too far apart, coaching is unlikely to be effective in the long run.   

To make a strong start coaching generally begins with fortnightly sessions to focus in.   Once you have achieved your objectives you have the option to move to a monthly maintenance support so you stay on top and embed performance gains.

Sessions are delivered on-line via Zoom or TEAMS and run for around an hour.   Options include:  

1 session to take a look at something specific.
A series of 4 sessions to dig deep into an immediate, pressing issue.
Regular coaching support for 6 or 12 months for deep growth.
Ongoing monthly support to maintain practice
Karen Clarke, The Talk Shop, Professional coaching, business support
Karen with Anaru Marshall, Transition Manager at Te Kāhui Maru Trust

I'm keen - how do I get started?

Set up an online whanaungatanga/meet and greet session.  There is no charge for this.  Use the email form below to request this.

This initial meeting is your chance to tell me what about the professional support you are seeking,  what you are looking for in a coach and what you want to achieve through coaching.  During this conversation you and I will gauge if we would like to work together.    Fit is important for optimal coaching.

If we are each comfortable to proceed, we enter a simple coaching agreement that clarifies what you want to achieve, each of our roles and expectations, terms and conditions.   Once that’s sorted, we schedule our sessions and get into it.